The main challenge for this project was designing a spacious two person office which would be cost effective and easy to construct without the need for specialist trades. The office building was to have an attractive, high quality finish - a solid contemporary building built for the same budget as a flimsy converted shed!
In order to achieve best value and create a cost effective building, the studio was designed around the standard module size for plywood sheets. The interior is clad in Finnish birch ply, and no cuts or wastage were necessary due to the modular dimensions of the building. Rather than purchase an expensive proprietary glazing system, we devised a simple method of bonding glass to timber mullions and fabricated a solid timber door to match the cladding. The roof is a simple waterproof membrane covered in topsoil and planted with Chives. The building was completed for a budget of £6K, roughly a third of the cost of many equivalent 'garden pods'